Community Leader. Problem Solver.


Chokwe Pitchford has always been a dedicated member of his community, and is committed to

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    Reforming health care to increase access, end prescription drug price gouging, and protect those with pre-existing conditions.

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    Fighting for increased funding to support our teachers and public schools.
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    Protecting Michigan workers by advocating for union rights, increasing the minimum wage, and improving job training programs and opportunities.1

Chokwe is dedicated to reforming health care for our communities.

Chokwe Pitchford is a proud advocate for health care reform. He believes that no matter someone’s circumstance, job, or pre-existing condition status, they should have access to the health care coverage and prescriptions they need to survive.2

Better Jobs,
Healthier Families,
and a Stronger Michigan.

Sign here to tell Chokwe to keep fighting for hardworking Michigan families.

Check the facts: 1 “Meet Chokwe Pitchford: State Representative Candidate of Michigan’s 79th District” Great Lakes Weekly, 10/12/20, 2 “Physicians endorse Pulver, Pitchford, O’Neil for commitment to health care, protecting Michiganders during COVID-19”